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residential home design

I have always had a real interest in planning and designing homes.  I really enjoy being able to meet with clients and discuss their thoughts and ideas and then be able to assist in turning those ideas into drawings and plans that can be used by a building contractor to construct the building.  The process of going from sketches on napkins to visual drawings where you can begin to see the ideas taking shape never grows old for me.

Even though a buildings primary function is for shelter, I enjoy the different forms and types of architecture that makes each dwelling unique and individual.  Whether it is a simple cape or a more complex structure, I think it is important to have a design that has good proportions and pleasing design elements.  Having well thought out plans is a good foundation for a successful project.

If you are considering a building project and would be interested in having me work with you on the drafting and design phase, please give me a call or send me an email.  It would be great to talk with you!  
                                         Chris Canfield-Home Designer

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